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Results for "author_first: "Joan", author_last: "Borysenko""
Minding the Body, Mending the Mind Joan Borysenko on minding the body and mending the mind to be happy and optimize your physical function.
Fried Joan Borysenko on increasing our well-being by doing things we enjoy.
Fried A wide-ranging examination of burnout plus ways to climb out of this malaise of the body, mind, and soul.
It's Not The End of the World Joan Borysenko's personal vision statement.
It's Not The End of the World A short and snappy spiritual primer on harvesting hardship, developing resilience, and moving beyond disappointment to a fresh future.
Minding the Body, Mending the Mind Wise counsel on minding the body and mending the mind.
Your Soul's Compass Maps an interspiritual path of wisdom and compassion with insights from 27 spiritual teachers.
A Woman's Journey to God Joan Borysenko on how grace let's us know God.
Your Soul's Compass Joan Borysenko and Gordon Dveirin on aligning with grace.
The Ways of the Mystic Maps the different opportunities for spiritual growth found in every religious tradition.